Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

Fight or flight

Wondering what I could blip today, I headed down the garden to put my bike away and noticed Hercules here sat square in the middle his web wobbling gently in the wind...

Now, I know there are spiders, and there are SPIDERS, and this is probably more of a spidER, but it was big enough to have muscles, and thorns.

That'll do me.

My initial reaction was to back away and leave well alone, but a thought occurred to me that Sophie's off in OZ where they have SPIDERS, so not wanting to be out manned by my girlfriend I crept up, camera (phone) in hand to snap away for a blip.



Barely daring to breathe in case i scared it and/or it tried to kill me

Just about to press the button, when Tabitha decided it was time for some feline time and nuzzled up against the small of my back.

I don't mind telling you:

I yelped.

Gathering my self, and explaining to Tabs exactly what I was trying to do, we both creped back.



Man and cat, barely daring to breathe in case we panicked the spider and it tried to jump- fangs bared and tried to kill us.

Just about to press the button, when next doors cat decided that it was time he went home and leapt from his hiding place behind the garage to the top of the fence in front of me.

The spider, wanting nothing more to do with this, scuttled.

I don't mind telling you:

Man and cat - We both yelped.

Spider ended up on a near by leaf, so I took the photo, and left it well alone. Only when I started uploading the photo this evening did I realise actually, when all is said and done, how... pretty (?) the paterns are all over it. Kinda cool really!

I think I achieved.

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