Corrugated Cardboard

The stuff of boxes, corrugated cardboard. Hopefully this time next week most of them will have gone and any remaining will be leaving my place the following day.

Yes, I've found new homes for my boxes, and yes, I will have unpacked them. First I have to complete filling them here and getting them to my new home. I've run out of omph tonight so I don't think much else will happen.

I finished work early today and my agent and I filled our cars with pot plants and dropped them off outside at my new place. It had a slightly scary feel to it and when I got home I felt sad to be leaving here.

I was disappointed to find the vendors have made no attempt to do the lawn or tidy the garden. They were supposed to but it's not really surprising given how odd they were over the property inspection. It's small stuff really and once I have a new little lawn man, it will look fine.

A step at a time hpx, don't try to get everything sorted all at once.

Just a few loose ends to tie up and then it's into bed.

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