A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

I spy with my little eye.

Love this little Goldfinch. He seems to be warily looking at me through the window. I also like the colour of his red head reflected by the Chaenomeles flowers behind him on the top garden.

I've cropped it a bit as the feeder was a distraction and it needs cleaning!

It was sunny first thing but it has clouded up and is distinctly cool. I normally walk early on Thursday but I wanted to get a Dr's appt. Nothing drastic but I have had to wait for the last couple of days because of my lack of voice (not the reason for my appt).
I was up early, had a bath and was ready to go when the lines opened. I was no 8 in the queue and waited patiently. My turn came, asked my name I responded (I have some voice albeit croaky) and she asked if anyone was there and promptly hung up. I was fuming! Got Chris to ring then and was 28th in the queue only to be told after 20 minutes that there were no appointments left. Having expressed my dissatisfaction I got a telephone appt which came very quickly just after 9.00 am and all was resolved, prescription on its way and a follow up spot for later in the month. I'd tried online booking, nothing till after 18 April and then not taking bookings.
I'd started by going to the chemist last week to be told I couldn't have the cream I wanted unless I was between 16 and 60. I thought she was joking but no, being 'old' I had to see a doctor. The doctor seemed surprised when I told her that.
Had I got what I wanted from the chemist all this would have been unnecessary and I would have paid for what I needed but as I got a prescription I got it free as I am 'old'!

Rant over. Took out my frustrations on painting the back bedroom for the rest of the day so some good came from it.

Going out with the 'girls' tonight - I'm not that old.

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