Whitby yesterday

We were just leaving the pier yesterday afternoon when I spotted this little line of school children in their hi-vis vests snaking their way up to the abbey.  My lens wouldn't zoom in further but I quite liked this view which is something of an iconic view.  

I wondered whether to blip one of my seagull photos as a marauding gang were terrorising visitors.  We watched one knock an ice-cream out of a young girls hand and then they all swooped down to be the first to pick it up.  This was followed by another incident where one bird knocked a carton of chips out of a young woman's hand and then in a scene a bit like Hitchcock;s `Birds' they gathered to pick up spoils.  

We were taken to see Cyrano de Begerac at the  Stephen Joseph theatre in Scarborough so we were very late home.  An excellent production by Northern Broadside, so if you get the chance to see it I can't recommend it highly enough.  I've only just got around to adding this catch-up blip.

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