Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

What's on your plate

I decided to join the community challenge and photograph 'what's on your plate' - except this is not on my plate (as I am on a health kick at the moment) but hopefully Thomas will eat this. Its a chocolate and coconut mousse which I bought - on offer - from Waitrose. There, I have spoiled the concept of me being a domestic goddess now, I should have said I spent all morning slaving over a Mary Berry recipe making these!

Food is very much a 'big thing ' in our house. I thought girls were bad but all my boys are so into eating healthily and consuming the right proportions of protein, carbs, fats etc it does drive me crazy at times. They keep careful control over what they eat, they never eat biscuits, cake or chocolate - I hardly bake anymore these days. As a power lifter Adam consumes about 5000 calories a day when training, although at the moment he is cutting to about 3500 calories and this is all recorded on an app called 'My fitness pal' which records the amount of calories consumed during the day so you can track what you are eating, and also the ratio of carbs to protein and fats. This is why I am always at the supermarket buying food when they are home - we can get through 18 eggs for breakfast in a morning (6 each), steak, chicken - a very protein rich diet!

I had no idea how many calories I consume in a day so I too downloaded this app and have been recording what I eat today - it cleverly scans the bar code of any product and you just enter the quantity - I don't come close to what the boys eat!

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