Robin is here again!

He was on the branch of decoration apple tree of front yard as I came out in the morning, took my equipment and went to the backyard to comb the dead leaves from the lawn. 

After a while I realized that someone was jumping around me, singing too. The Robin! Mainly he was quiet checking the lawn to find something to eat. And he was very tame listening what I had to tell to him...

In the afternoon we visited grandparents. 

And our daughter called to the owner of the cafeteria, that she had promised to have a summer job... Well, now she was told that there was no job for her, as in the cafeteria they had booked all the employees of the summer and she was not one of them.... Whaat??? After the shocking news she was crying and dissapointed of course and was wondering how she will cope from the rent of her flat...

Some misunderstanding of forgetting, maybe. But we got the girl back into some mood with good chat, me and grandmother... And she decided just to forget this and think that it can be a good thing to take another direction. A new direction. Later the owner of the cafeteria called her again and apologied about the inconveience. And she was told that they were still very satisfied in her job done. 

So, now my both children are ready for heading to the new directions...  you just should find the jobs...

Evening at home. Out son having some friends visiting us. Later than late  - nice to have youngsters at home.


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