Abandoned Farm

Wonderful first thing and the day warmed up splendidly. A hint of haze and fresh green growth everywhere. Wearing my sunnies, the beech trees seemed to be putting forth red leaves, which figures. Green without the sunnies.

Today was RPS Advisory Day at the East Midlands Group in Whatton in the Vale, where I was delighted to bump into an old T189 colleague, Margaret. Naturally, we sat together and enjoyed exchanging views and information.

Vacancies had arisen for the day only within the last week. I put in a bid hurriedly for an appraisal of my Burano Panel. I hadn't been able to mount the larger photos but still had the minatures posted on a board.

No, it didn't pass. But it didn't really matter. My mind is at rest now. I had thought that I hadn't enough strong photos. As I said to the advisor, I need to go back to Burano.

He did mark my score sheet somewhere between Panel unsuitable for submission and Requiring a lot more work to meet the standard. So it wasn't totally hopeless. He also said it was an 'original' approach to Burano. He'd seen a panel made up entirely of the canal reflections!

I've also realised that perhaps I should ignore the warnings in Lightroom about saturation when soft proofing. Reducing saturation washes out the colour.

I took this photo of the abandoned farm at Rempstone on the corner of the A60. The land has, presumably, already received planning permission for five 'superior' dwellings, a two bed bungalow and paddocks.

Back home to reprint all the photos I'd prepared last week for competition. The wind has come up strongly. Basil lying at my feet.

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