Open ferret show

Now, you might think that I am going to be a little mean about the ferret show, or a little satirical, perhaps. But nothing could be further from the truth.

It's true that I have no intention of going along; not because I have no actual interest in ferrets as much as that I think I am slightly scared of them. Certainly nervous. As I rule, I don't much like small animals with teeth that that dart about. 

But what I love is the diversity. When the viewing figures of X Factor and Celebrity Big Brother are measured in the millions, I am delighted to think of the few dozen people who might be going along to this event.

It pains me that our media tell us which way to vote and whom we should dislike (for no good reason) and, culturally, I hate the fact that they tell us what we should watch and take an interest in. I will happily talk to someone with a niche interest for as long as they want to tell me about it and I think its vital for our national intellect that some people pursue their own interests. Frankly, I wish everyone would.


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