

Good morning and welcome to another day of #April #Accountability#check #in
Here is your #daily #checkin for #Wednesday 11 April 2017. 
 My day started well enough. A sunrise jog with a a pit stop at my favourite tree.
I have been taking a photo a day and sharing it in an online journal for over 5 years. One of the things that I have regularly photographed in that time, as part of a 'one tree' project, is my favourite tree. I love to see it transform from season to season and from year to year.
I never thought I would manage 100 days but it quickly became a habit I didn't want to give up. Am hoping that I will look back in five years and say the same about the WOE.
After my great start, it was home for breakfast and a shower. I worked from home for a couple of hours before heading into town for a meeting. Foodwise, my day went downhill from there. I purchased some yoghurt coated ginger and ate that on route to my meeting. Later I ate unplanned bread and chocolate. Three snacks and not enough water. Today I am fasting so it will be a good day.

Weight 11.8 stone ( (no change) 
BMI 25.4 
BMR 1392 calories 
TDEE 1671 calories 
Snack Count – THREE
Teak with skimmed milk 2 
Coffee 2 
Water 2 
Coconut water 
Peppermint infusion

Yoghurt ginger 
Hot cross bun 
Hummous and rocket sandwich 
Roast potato 
Yorkshire pudding 

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