Truth or Myth?

Pat and I went on a jolly jaunt into Eccles....if you know Eccles like we know Eccles then you will be screaming...Why???? If you don't know Eccles.....well, that is probably for the best ha ha ha.

Anyway, we ended up at Ellen's for a cuppa and she told us that she was on on a course the day before in Wigan. Wigan is a strange place (a little bit like Eccles) and she got lost on the one way system making her late for her course. When it was time to go home her car remote wouldn't work. Ellen didn't panic, oh no, she remembered something she had been told once, that if you held your car keys on your head and point them at the car they will work. 

Ellen walked all round the car holding the keys to her head, she walked nearer to it and then further away from it with the keys on top of her head....oh I wish I'd been there to see it....but to no avail. Thank goodness for the AA he he he.

We had a good laugh about this and then decided to google it and 'slap my thigh and call me Roger' it is there in black and white.....holding the car remote to your head increases it's range. If you hold the key fob to your chin and slightly open your mouth you will increase the range of the remote signal. The oral cavity and fluids in your skull are the reason apparently. 

"Oh my God, you mean that I should have held them to my chin. I must have looked a complete fool holding them on top of my head" 

"No shit, Sherlock!"

So....does it work or not? We shall all have to try it out.................or just buy new batteries :)

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