
I had a business meeting in Bury St Edmunds today.  and took a walk through the Abbey Gardens beforehand.


Hello.  This REALLY is the #daily #checkin for #FRIDAY.  It's the 14 April 2017.  Apologies for all of the confusion I caused yesterday.  Lots of you responded and shared where you are though and some interesting things that those places might be known for too. 
I had another 'non-routine' day and it is definitely an area I need to reflect on.  I worked from home in the morning which was fine.  I had my usual breakfast and packed what I intended to be a healthy lunch when I arrived at my destination.  I had an hour and a half journey  and a mixture of boredom and thirst saw me tuck into the apple about an hour in.  I had water with me but didn't drink much of it as I was worried I'd need to try and find a toilet.  This worry is a common one of late. 
I arrived at my destination and popped into a supermarket to use the facilities, successfully avoiding a hot cross bun purchase despite, the whole store smelling divine. 
I then popped into a health store to investigate magnesium supplements.  There was too much choice and I left with none but a large bag of liquorice (second mistake was to buy large/non portioned treat) 
After a bit of a wander I returned to my car and ate my lunch (tuna salad) and the 'emergency' banana. 
I arrived at my meeting and discovered that everyone else appeared to be an accountant (I'm not).  With my fear of being completely out of my depth, I had coffee and two biscuits.  The meeting was fine but I travelled home with lots of people heading off for the long bank holiday weekend and, you guessed it, the liquorice was very soon history. 
I had a baked potato with hummus and green salad for my dinner, followed by some greek yoghurt, seeds and honey. 
Later I ate 2 brioche rolls and some chocolate..  I went to be early feeling bloated and annoyed that I'd sabotaged another NFD. 
Weight 11.9 stone  ( (+1 pounds) 
BMI 25.5 
BMR 1397 calories 
TDEE 1676 calories 
Snack Count – FIVE 
Teak with skimmed milk 3 
Coffee 2 
Water 2 
Coconut water 2 

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