Gollum with a hat

I woke this morning and felt a lot better. I felt almost like if I was not poorly at all. I am still sneezing and coughing, but besides from that all is well. I am full of energy again, which is nice.

I woke up to heavy rain though, so it was 10 am before I took the boys out and by then the rain had stopped and we had great training with all 3 dogs. 

We then went out for a dog walk - still in dry weather.

I loved the pictures og Hero and Biscuit with the hat and I wanted one of Gollum too, but Gollum would not have any of that! Every time I put the hat on him, he would drop his head and the hat would fall off. So I realised that it would take some training....

So this afternoon I took the hat and a clicker and then I clicked Gollum for holding his head still with the hat on his head. Success! It took a great deal of patience and time, but I got the picture :-D And Gollum got a belly full of treats!

I came home and decided to start on Hero's winter coat. He started shedding a couple of days ago and it is a big job to keep his coat untangled during the change from winter to summer coat. He has too much fur!!!!! Hero had a bath and we got the blower out and blew as much of the loose hairs out as possible. Hero is no fan of this process so he was pleased when the rain came and we had to stop. We did manage a good start though :-)

Lunch time and then a cup of coffee :-)
And some Netflix :-)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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