secret garden

By freespiral

Teeny little Gunnera

Well it's a leaf and it's comparatively tiny relatively speaking!! A sweet little gunnera leaf just emerging! Really it's currently minute for it will grow to be over a metre wide if the frost doesn't get it! See extra for how the whole plant is doing - about a quarter grown.
And just don't mention bog grass. I have been digging over various beds and the bog grass is winning. See other extra. It's dreadful stuff with massive roots that go on for miles underground. Once, when we had wwoofers (world wide workers on organic farms), we had a charming Frenchman who was a botanist and he adored the stuff and although instructed to dig it out, we discovered he had been replanting it elsewhere!  I suppose this is one of the hazards of living on a bog. And Frenchmen!!!!!

Tiny Tuesday currently hosted by trishrooni

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