
I've been checking the weather forecasts every day (sometimes twice) this week as I tried to plan when I'd take a day/half day off work to go on a hike - the one I went on yesterday.

The forecast for today and Friday has been consistent - cloudy - either light or heavy cloud. That's why I just went yesterday as there was no point in waiting for better weather another day.

So today - not a cloud in the sky all day, and 15⁰ - 16⁰. Beautiful April weather.

I've just looked at the weather app on my iPhone - never to be relied on but... Well, according to that it's "mostly cloudy" where I am.

Ach well, almost as annoying as London politicians. No, nothing's that bad.

Rotary this morning provided the Blip. An excellent speaker from a charity which supports carers. A subject very close to my heart. That's her on the left, with club president Heather.

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