Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Mowing the Lawn

Or more to the point hacking it.
I do not normally cut the grass as I do all of the borders; ten in all as well as keeping the tubs and window boxes in order. However, with my husband unable to mow for the foreseeable future, something had to be done. My Son-in-Law offered to do the lawns, but the problem was getting his mower to our house. He could use our small electric mower, which I used, but the battery life is very short, sometimes only ten minutes, so I decided that it would be a waste of his time.
Today’s picture shows part of the front lawn after a rather ragged cut; to see what it looked like before I started, look here. I had to charge the battery three times and mowed the front, (there is a lot more to do than just this small section,) and made a start on the grass at the back of the house. The extra picture shows the back grass after some of it had been cut. I plan to finish the section behind the house tomorrow. I have no plans to use the ride-on mower, getting it in and out of the shed alone is a major operation with less than an inch either side of the doorway. So the orchard will be left uncut and allowed to go wild, for now, the deer and rabbits can munch away at it as much as they like.
Other than that, I spent the morning catching up with paperwork and various other jobs; the evening was spent knitting. 

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