Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Bittern

Our group had a most fabulous walk today, in spite of chilly temps and periodic light drizzle/mist.  We managed to lay eyes on not one, but FOUR Virginia Rails during the course of our 4 mile hike.  Add to that two Sora (no pics, sadly)...and this American Bittern who flushed just ahead of where we were walking, affording me exactly three shots.  And, while this image is far from perfect, I've only ever photographed Bittern 1) in Florida, and 2) hiding in the reeds and swamp grass.  So, I will gladly take a less-than-perfect shot today, of a flying American Bittern!  

One more shot from today, a Swamp Sparrow in the phragmites

One of the other guys on the walk showed me another place on the way home where we heard both Sora and Virginia Rail, and where he's been able to get some very good shots of the former.  It's only about 8 minutes form home, so I may take a run over tomorrow morning and see what I can find.

All in all a very fun day and now I'm pooped..  I'm going to try to get a quick power nap then run over for a short visit with MIL.  Hubs won't be home from his meeting until later this evening so he won't be able to visit her today.  

The bluebirds were in the garden before I left this morning, busy working on the nest.  Things seem much more peaceful in the garden now that the sparrow is gone.  Hopefully tomorrow Madame will start laying eggs...

And thanks Cailleach for hosting WildWednesday!


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