"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours"

I was clutching at straws for a blip today. I expected to delete the above images. I had an idea of showing the frost damage on the new young leaves of oak and ash but my pics weren't very edifying, unsurprisingly. 

I noticed that the above snaps all include fences so decided to make a montage. Our neighbour's sheep are confined in the Donkey Field with pig wire, barbed wire and an electric fence. Jazzy is interested and sniffs the sheep-rich air but knows she mustn't go near. I haven't made a feature of a lamb's cloven hoof before - very biblical. :) They were all snuggled up under the oak tree out of the rain.

Today's poem is In Glasgow by Edwin Morgan. http://poesizing.tumblr.com/post/34352778900/in-glasgow-edwin-morgan

This tells of a drink and drug fuelled encounter with a prostitute from Easterhouse, an area of the city known for its social deprivation. I can picture EM's room perfectly and the poem has a tender quality. He was Poet Laureate for Glasgow from 1999 to 2002 and gay. He didn't come out until he was seventy. :(   


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