
Its a colour so cruel*

2000 letters now stuffed into the handwritten envelopes**
Now the fun part - delivering them. Probably a thousand are simply a house name and a village - ive no real idea how realistic it'll be.
Ive volunteers delivering probably 300 for me - hopefully their local knowledge will help. So whilst running their letters to them i took the opportunity to show Mrs IttH lovely little Church Brough. Sadly out of season every village pub was shut in the day - so it was back to Kirkby Stephen for lunch.

Tonight I attended my first and probably only LibDem Penrith and the Borders Parlimentary Group. 8 totally out of touch individuals without a plan. I try really hard to see the best in everyone, but Ive never met a more clueless group. The candidate is a total technophobe and doesn't view this as an election that we'll contest - in fact he's going on holiday during the campaign. As a group they didnt think they should mention Brexit on any election materials - the only issue anyone else is discussing.
I'm sat at home now with a large single malt realising I most definitely ducked a bullet!

*Bonus points for anyone who can get the band without googling it...
**The letters and envelopes also happen to be blue

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