Flower Friday...Shouldn't we be Moving?!

I had an "Awayday" by train to Rotherham today. Does anyone have an Awayday to Rotherham you ask?... Well I went in order to do an induction interview for a young lad who is starting the course with which I'm involved for professions allied to Ophthalmology - he's been working as an ophthalmic photographer for a couple of years and is keen to get some formal qualifications. It was a pleasure to do the interview as he's so keen and enthusiastic - and I also met his excellent local mentor. I think he'll do well.

So why the picture? I was due to change trains at Doncaster, but just south of Northallerton (a good 30+ minutes north of Doncaster) we came to a stop in the middle of a field of rape flowers. Just as well it was a pretty view as we sat there for ages. On my schedule I had to wait in Doncaster for just under an hour for my connection so I was getting a tad concerned. Insult to injury: another train came speeding past us on an adjacent track! Seemingly the signals had failed on the track we were on. Eventually the train had to go back to Northallerton then go forwards again on the other track. Just as well they can go equally well either way! Anyway, at least it gave me a Flower Friday blippertunity with a story to tell. You can see that we were stationary - the photo is at 1/40th a second so if we had been going at 100+ MPH there'd have been quite a blur. (Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.)

Oh, I did make my connection with a couple of minutes to spare...the connecting train was also running a bit late!

The first extra was taken at Newcastle Central at 7am as I arrived for my train - I like the morning light and the two trains waiting, with one on a wigglier track than the other ("Mind the Gap!"). I couldn't resist the second extra, taken at Rotherham Station as I waited to come home: two typical modern travellers looking really happy, engrossed in their phones. Of course at times I was also engrossed in mine as I looked at some blips while I waited, so I shouldn't criticise...!  ;-))

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