The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie


It has been a very long time since I've seen the local beavers at Scudder Pond. I may have seen them once last year. I don't remember. But I saw them today, the two adults, out eating water lilies while the sun was still up so I could get some decent photographs of them. What a thrill. This big guy is the male and the extra is the female (and another shot of the male.) I love to see these creatures. They are big and a bit strange looking. I especially love their flat tails that they use to swim and to warn others by slapping them loudly in the water.

I caught sight of these when I noticed that the lilies were moving in a strange way. I was on my way home from a lovely sunny walk in the park. It was around six thirty when I got home. And the sun had not set yet. Usually the beavers don't come out until sunset.

Before I took my walk I hosted my book club at my house. Today there were nine of us and we had a wonderful time eating lunch together, discussing the book which we hadn't all read (I hadn't) and then talking, talking, talking about all manner of things. I was delighted that one of our group who recently broke her neck was able to come. She is healing well and was able to get up the few stairs to the kitchen and dining area. It was great to see her. It had been far too long.

Now I'm relaxing, doing my blip and thinking about how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends in my life. And to have beautiful beavers within walking distance of where I live.

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