
By briocarioca


HH got up early again, while I beat my record for sleeping late, emerging at nearly midday. A quick trip to the market to get sardines for our sickly cat, then time to set off to a birthday party. A Welsh friend was celebrating his 70th - 20 years in the UK, 20 in the US, as actor and theatre director, and then 30 in Brazil, acting, directing and teaching. How better to commemorate all those years in Brazil than with a feijoada, caipirinha and choro? 'Choro' is also the word for crying, but in this case, it refers to music - no tears today, please). Unfortunately, photos of the birthday boy were total rubbish, so here's his youngest guest instead. She didn't want me to take her photo, so I challenged her to see which of us could make the worst face. I won easily, so was allowed to go ahead.
It was a great party, and if we'd had any sense, we'd have gone to bed as soon as we got home. Instead we kept our eyes half open while watching Animal Planet, then had more unhealthy food, in the shape of bacon and eggs, and now I'm blipping instead of sleeping.
Goodnight all, hope you've had a great weekend and will have a day off tomorrow, May 1st.

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