A Golden Trio

Dear Diary,

Today is Beltane, the Celtic festival that welcomes the first day of summer.  Doesn't feel very much like summer here this morning as it is only in the 40'sF.  These three male gold finches do add a sunny feeling and carry on my yellow theme from yesterday.

It is May Day, a day to hang tiny bouquets of flowers on neighbor's doors, such a lovely tradition I've always thought.  I have new neighbors now, Steve and Sylvie for which I am very thankful.

 May Day also brought scenes on the nightly news when I was growing up of the military parades in Red Square.  They always terrified me.  We were at the height of the Cold War and the USSR was our arch enemy.   Years later, in 2003, I traveled to Russia.  I was, frankly, astonished at how small Red Square actually is.  On the news it look so vast.  I suppose there is a lesson in that.  We fear most the unknown.  When we stare it in the face it often loses its ability to scare us.

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