We have lovely plans for this evening. We're meeting our friend for an early dinner in Wellesley. Then we'll all be attending a celebrity lecture series at Wellesley College to hear with one of my favorite authors, Margaret Atwood. Her 1985 novel, The Handmaid's Tale, is darkly relevant in this frightening new world where we seem to be teetering on the edge. The novel is the basis for a new Hulu series as well. 

It's a trip back in time for me also, about forty four years. When I moved back to Massachusetts after my first two years of teaching in Van Buren Maine, I lived in faculty housing at Wellesley College with my friend Bobbie. She was the Phys Ed Instructor, basketball and crew coach at the college. Back in the days of gas rationing and a long drive to my new kindergarten(partnering with our dinner companion tonight) to my job in Pembroke, a big change from isolated northern Maine. Then too we were living under the shadow of another rotten to the core man, President Nixon.  The college has a gorgeous campus, especially in the spring. I'm really looking forward to this evening on many levels.

For the Record,
This day came in dark and damp with some hints of sun. We're tried from a 5 hour Town Meeting last night, old time New England democracy in action.

All hands excited

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