Floral Contributions!

Well the weather hasn't been quite so good today. I am disappointed because I wanted to try to get a sunset tonight....the best laid plans of mice and men and all that!

Anyway, I woke in quite a lot of pain early this morning, so its not been so much fun today! Hey ho, what the Paralympians go through is a heck of a lot worse as I said here

Main things of the day:

4am wake in a lot of pain with my leg (probably overdid walking yesterday (as I couldn't park close to the church), but managed to go back to sleep after painkillers and camomile tea....

Had my camera in my bag, so I could blip these flowers from the services yesterday and today :) The ladies work very hard at arranging flowers for all sorts of events from weddings to funerals, to special and ordinary services at the church.

Church service! Fabulous sermon from our new Minister on 'new beginnings' this morning. That's two days in a row, I hope we keep it up :)

Glance at yesterday's work, and check up what I need to do before next month online! Need to start making plans to timetable work, and essays (something I am not good at, so any hints out there please??)

Rest in bed this afternoon, to try to cope a little better tonight!

Leading tonight's service with reflections on the blessings of the supply of water and the difference between our life and those in Africa and other places in the world where people drink dirty water (not by choice) because there is no other source (and they often walk miles to get there and back too). Thankfully I could sit down on the stage, with a mike and specially lowered music stand to hold my notes and bible which helped a great deal!

Feeling very blessed, but very tired and still in pain!

In PJ's already! Watching the closing ceremony of the Paralympics and struggling to understand what its actually saying here~I realise they are talking about the 4 seasons though...

Day off tomorrow, was going visit some job agencies to see what they could do for me, but think I might have to put that on hold to get the knee/leg better again!

In other news Billy came in tonight with a swollen tail (obviously having a problem with another cat) and no collar again! I;m not going out to look for that in the dark.....

Hope you all had a great Sunday blippers :)

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