St Francis returns to the garden...

...and so does Mr Toad!

Dear Diary,

It was a lovely day to work in the garden although I have to admit Matt did most of the heavy work.  I tended my little meditation garden after he brought out the sculpture of my favorite saint to sit in the middle of the round bed.  While cutting down last years grasses we discovered that Mr Toad had found a comfy corner to sunbath in. (extra)  I immediately went and got "Toad Hall" for him, a sweet, terra cotta construction that is a toad abode.  I hope he likes it although he is rather fat and I'm not sure he will fit through the door!

We went out to the back of my property to check the stone pile.  I think there will be enough small field stones for the labyrinth.  Moving them will be a big chore but we will have a trailer if it can make it to the location.  We will need to move several hundred stones to line the path so it will take some time.

There was a light frost this morning.  The newly turned earth was dusted with white but Tootsie, Tillie and Tom Tom were out gobbling up a storm and exploring the earth to see if any bugs could be found.  They do a great job keeping the tick population down.  With all our work in the yard yesterday I had none on me.  Hopefully Andrew will be here this afternoon to do the first mow and to measure out the place for the labyrinth. 

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