
I wandered down to the barn at Emsworthy to see how the bluebells are doing. It's a bit early yet but with many thingsbeing early, I thought it might be wise to check. It's a lovely place to go at any time. I've added a small clump of bluebells as an extra so you can see that there's still a week or maybe two to go before we see some real colour.

My main blip is a lovely drystone wall not far away from the barn looking northwest towards Holwell Lawn (another place where bluebells will be). I've just noticed that there's a single bluebell in the foreground of my blip.

There are a few more here in my Emsworthy Album if you'd like to see them.

I have to say that I expected that if I did a dog blip it would go straight up into the Populars. I thought that was the rules ;) Never mind my Shaldon Bridge blip is hanging in there on page two (if you're quick) so many thanks for that.

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