One of the profusion of Easter Cactus flowers

I've enjoyed another busy day in the garden enjoying the sun as well as the cooling breeze from the east.

I suddenly remembered at about 7pm that it was a Flower Friday challenge day, so I set up my tripod in the house to catch the last of the by then overcast daylight. 

I think this plant is a Rhipsalidopsis rosea plant,  commonly known as an Easter Cactus. I have it for many years and each year a set of new leaves develop where each flower buds from.  there must be nearly a hundred flowers on it this year, and most of them are nearly finished.  They also seem to close up at towards the evening, so it was hard to look inside it especially in the low natural light.  I always admire its flowers and this year they have been as beautiful as ever. 

I forgot that today's Flower Friday challenge (thank you to BikerBear as ever for hosting it) had a theme of 'rhyming with May', so have failed miserably on that count.  But the flower is pretty, so it is still worth looking at.

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