Love Birds

This morning we took Rose and Randy to meet Kate, and Martin who brought Dave, Charlotte, Emily and Storm for a walk along the Undercliff walk. We decided to leave the boys at home as we weren't sure how the 6 of them would get on, so we took them out for a walk first.  Everyone was very well behaved though, so next time, we'll bring Bobbie and Milou too.

We walked to Molly's where we stopped for a drink and spotted lots of birds nesting in the cliffs - this pair looked like a couple of love birds.

We spent the afternoon at home, and I cooked Rose and Randy a traditional Sunday roast, and we even managed to sit out in the sunshine while it cooked.  Oh and we managed to catch Mr Ratty - check out my extra!  Tomorrow he'll be released at Ditchling Beacon.

Anyway, it's time for bed.  Our visitors head home tomorrow and we're back in work.  Hope you have a good week!

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