Another Brick in the Wall

I got up when Alan left for work this morning, as I wanted to check that Ratty hadn't escaped from the trap, and I noticed another rat by the garage door but it was dead. We think it was possibly the mother and we don't think she'd been dead for long. Alan scooped her up with the shovel and there was no evidence of her having been killed by a cat, so maybe she was stressed - I know they're rats, but it's quite sad really. The only problem is that there's probably other youngsters around.

Anyway, Alan took Ratty with him and let him out at Ditchling Beacon to start his new life, and the trap will be re-set to see if we catch any others.

Rose and Randy had a taxi booked for 11am to take them to Heathrow, but I didn't get to see Rose before I left for work at 9am. I gave Randy a key so they could lock up when they left and our cleaner was due at lunchtime so I asked him to post the key through the letterbox. I hope they have a good journey home.

It's been a busy day at work and at lunch time I met Anne. I spotted these flowers growing through the bricks in a wall near work and I was about to walk past but thought it would make a good Blip. There was a guy stood talking on his phone, and as I walked past, he told whoever he was talking to to hang on a minute, and said to me that I'd got a good eye and that he'd noticed it too!

We have no plans tonight, just chilling with our feet up in front of the TV!

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