Lady's Slipper in the Pennsylvania Woods

It seemed like it had been raining for days and days and days. But Sunday afternoon, the sun finally peeked out. My husband and I put on our jackets, for it was still chilly, and headed for our local gamelands.

Last week when we were there, I had spotted the first, entirely green lady's slipper orchids. Yes, ORCHIDS! And miracle of all miracles, they grow wild in the woods here. I knew that soon, they would be sporting the pale pink blooms they are known for.

And on this day, I returned to the same spot to find that this plant was looking lovely and pink. The sky had gone overcast again, but I took a few shots anyway. You know, just in case shade was all I'd get.

Upon our return trip after our hike, as we were getting ready to leave the gamelands and head for home, I visited the plant again. The sun was on the bloom this time, and I took a few more shots, this one among them.

What a difference the light made! And it lit up a bloom so lovely I could barely stand to walk away. . . . And so the soundtrack for this photo is from Pat Benatar's 1988 album Wide Awake in Dreamland, which I believe to be one of her best. The song is Don't Walk Away.

P.S. You may learn more about Cypripedium acaule, or lady's slipper, at this link.

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