Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiny Tuesday

I had some fun with my macro lens today, but ultimately decided to go with a quick shot taken with my iphone.  I inserted the phone into the top of the bluebirds' nest box and fired one shot blind - this is it.  Madame has completed laying her eggs and is now brooding.  By my estimation, she laid the last egg on Sunday, so in approximately 2 weeks, four little naked baby birds should emerge from these tiny blue eggs.  Each egg is about the size of my thumb pad, to give you a frame of reference.  The nest, which took way longer than usual for her to complete, is made of soft dried grasses and lined with feathers.  

Had I not decided to go with the eggs, I would have chosen this image of an extremely tiny katydid nymph.  The smallest one I've ever found.  Maybe another day...

MIL was in high spirits this morning when I arrived for my visit - she was joking around with everyone in the activity room and even asked the male resident who had the unfortunate timing to be there if he'd like to marry her.  There was a new aide there at the time and her eyes about popped out of her head at that point.  Tomorrow Hubs is taking MIL to the dentist for a cleaning so I may not go for a visit until Thursday - we'll see.  

Still doing edits on my FL pics, but have posted three from the first day starting HERE on Flickr if you'd like to have a look.  A little heavy petting, followed by some babies only a mother could love.

Big thanks to JDO for hosting TinyTuesday!


PS:  the scarlet tanager was still around today, chowing down on oranges.  

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