
By Missycat

AbstractThursday98 Painterly

Today I had an early morning visitor in the shape of Violet who had a rather bad night last night and really wasn't up to her usual early start at nursery.  After some porridge and a session watching her favourite Tumble tots songs DVD she was ready to go and after that I could settle down to the boring but necessary work of the paid variety.
I really didn't have a lot of time to take shots for today's challenge, so the garden it was.  I did resist the urge just to take a phone shot and then apply a Deepart effect at the press of a button:  instead, I used the Impressionist's brush in PS  Elements to create my painterly effect, after converting the original shot to Colour Sketch in my camera.  I really quite like the result, although a little more variety in colours and tones would have been more pleasing.

Many thanks once again to Ingeborg for continuing to host this challenge.

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