Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Peas please...

I had a very good session at the gym today. TEN minutes on the crosstrainer. Mind you, I had quite a few stops. Ten minutes on the bike at level 15.

Anne came to take Archie out for the day, and let slip that it was her birthday last week. So JR decided to make her a cake, which she has taken home this evening to share with her flatmates.

When she came back with Archie, Anne brought round some special gin, made in Spain, but sold in Edinburgh. She knows the chap who makes it, and he lives here. We had pizza and a relaxing evening sorting out the world. Then we watched the Masterchef final and Have I Got News for You.

Christine brought me some fresh peas (she's a fan too) and Archie goes bonkers over them! I cannot eat them in front of him without sharing (look at that face...). With his upset tumtum, I didn't want to give him too many, so when he was out today, I finished them off in peace.

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