Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Teapot cocktail...

Elizabeth came for Archie today, and though the weather didn't look too promising in the morning, it turned out to be a warm and sunny afternoon.

After their visit to the office, they went on a different path in the Hermitage, through bluebells and narrow paths. In fact, his day was much more successful than ours...

We set off into town for another foodie foray. But this time we were not as successful as last week. We decided to check out a quirky joint that specialised in 'vegetarian soul food' and cocktails. The place had very quirky decor, and weird loud - but not entirely unpleasant - music. We could see many happy punters seated in the busy window area, but we were shown to a table in the darkness at the back.

But we weren't in darkness, we were directly under a bright light which kept changing colours - red, green, blue, white - so after a while (to be more precise, after a cocktail) I began to feel a bit queasy...

The vegetarian meal was all right but wasn't as delicious as last week's. In fact, I might declare myself a confirmed carnivore. Luckily, we shared a Black Bean & Seitan Burger. The sharing teapot cocktail (Wray & Nephew Overproof Rum, Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime, Cola) in a tin pot with enamel mugs wasn't quite what I had in mind.

We then came out into the bright light of a sunny afternoon, and wandered down to BrewLab for a decent coffee, but my milk was 'burnt'. The donut I chose, thinking it was full of chocolate, was full of some sort of almond paste, which I didn't like. The music was good though.

The bus came just as we arrived at the stop. Bonus!

Photo credits to Elizabeth today. That new walk looks wonderful.

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