Cold Soldier

I had a busy morning dealing with admin. When Jazzy and I went out after lunch with the camera it was cold enough for me to wear my thick jacket. Not many bugs or birds around. I did hear an unusual squawking and caught sight of a smaller bird harrying a red kite. I wasn't quick enough changing lenses to be able to capture it. :(

It was nice to see a familiar soldier beetle, Cantharis rustica I think. Spanish Fly, a similar beetle, used to be classified as Cantharis. It produces an an irritant poison which when ingested by humans affects the urethra as it leaves the body. This causes long-lasting erections and consequently it used to be used as an aphrodisiac. It has been reclassified as Lytta vesicatoria but is still listed as Cantharis by homeopaths.

I've added one of my 'bloo' tit parents with a juicy green caterpillar to extras. 

Today's poem is Exultation is the going by Emily Dickinson.

This might be about the exultation of the soul immediately after death but I prefer this analysis. "The thrill of travel away from home, into unknown territory, is captured perfectly in this short poem by Emily Dickinson.  It's going sailing for the first time, this poem." I've done lots of sailing and it's a thrill to leave the houses and headlands behind and head out to sea, especially for the first time.

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