Capital adventures

By marchmont

Stations of the UK

Another one in the occasional series - today it is Liverpool Street, and of course the great news that Andy Murray finally triumphed.

My day felt less of a triumph. I could not sleep last night - a warm shower and glass of milk about 1 failed to work (maybe I should have got up and watched the tennis) but I must have dropped off eventually as the next thing it was 8.07. This was NOT good news as I had planned to leave at 8 to walk to Haymarket and get the bus to the airport for the 9.50 flight to Stansted. Showered, and dressed, I managed to be outside the flat at 8.26 (after a return journey upstairs for the BB left on my bed) for the car. For some reason he did not take the obvious route via Corstorphine Road but headed towards Slateford and we got snarled in the gridlock caused by the closure of Gorgie Road, which he knew about. A detour via Craiglockhart (more queues at lights) and Murrayburn meant I got to my destination at 9.15. Luckily there were no queues at security, but by that time I had no money either. There were further delays on the Stansted 'Express' but I still managed to get to the office at 12.20. Not bad really, but it took me ages to catch up, with myself.

3 meetings later it was back to Liverpool St and King's Cross for the habitual 6 p.m. home. I took the work laptop but turned out the power cable wasn't in the bag so now I'm on inefficient East Coast wi-fi with my own, heavier, one.
I know it's going to be impossible to get the work done that I need to do before Thursday - 3 more sleeps (well 4 if you count the Yotel).

4 hours before I'm home - and a business breakfast at 7.45 tomorrow. Oh boy!

Edit: just realised I was at the airport a year ago today as well - 9/11. Why is the US the only country to say 9.11, not 11.9?

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