A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Summer Lunch

Technically it still is until the 22nd and when you live with my son you live with the importance of this sort of detail. So summer it is for that reason. And because the sun is shining, even if there is a slight nip in the air. And because these avocados came back from Spain with us and are filled with summer sunshine. I managed to sneak in enough that summer lunches might just last beyond the magical date; well, if I can resist gorging on them every day that is.

It's been a while since I studied such things so the detail is hazy (sorry J) but I recall that they are ridiculously healthy on the grounds of being loaded with all the right sorts of fats and low on all the wrong sorts. Probably Vit E or something like that as well. This afternoon I am off to have my cholesterol tested for the first time so we'll see if they help. Not that I have a reading to compare this one too and there's no reason for this one other than Sainsburys are offering tests for free and I do like a bit of data (like mother, like son).

Delayed start to the morning catching up with a good friend I've not seen over the summer. She's starting the new term with sad news as she has unexpectedly lost a close friend. But she was full of funny, irreverent tales from their days in uni together so there was much laughter amongst the tears and it does seem that her friend lived a whole life, in a half time. So surprisingly a life affirming conversation.

Lesley x

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