Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Two workouts!

A 40 minute session at the gym, despite the screeching muzak. I have got new earbuds which fit right in, and so, with the volume up loud, can block out most of the unwanted cacophony - the Apple ones are useless.

JR also went to the gym and then to tidy up the Air B&B flat that she looks after now and again. Archie and I relaxed and watched Billions, which I gave up on but started again. I miss much of the American mumbled dialogue, but get the gist.

I popped up to the doctor for the results of my blood test a couple of weeks ago. He tested everything, and it's all fine! But why am I aching in most places?

After that, we took wee Archie up the hill. It was warm (but definitely not the 18° it was claimed in the car). In fact, there were looming rain clouds. I walked up to the summit the short but very steep path. Can't remember the last time I went up that way. Another workout!

There was a lot of barking coming from the workmen's enclosure when we arrived. One chap was going round outside the fence, calling his dogs, to no avail. They'd chased a rabbit in there, and probably wouldn't give up until they got it. We are so glad that Archie is innocent of such things!

JR and Archie walked home for extra walkies. Well done those two.

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