
By KirstyHalbert


Busy day at my secondment office today. One of the guys had brought in peas from his Dad's garden, which were lovely - really sweet and fresh. I remember when I was younger walking along Back Road in Sicklinghall with my Mum and Dad, then along the dirt track that looped around the village; one side of the track was planted with peas and Mum and I used to pick handfuls and eat them as we walked along. I remember how amazing they smelled, and that slightly floury, waxy texture.

Off to the gym after work for Body Combat, and then home and Blipless at 10pm this evening. Luckily I'd taken one peapod home with me as an emergency Blip, so a macro shot with the Leica it was. Only a week until M gets home now, I can start a proper countdown and we can begin planning things to do when he gets back. At the moment we have a trip to Aviemore in the Porsche for our first weekend, possibly camping if it's sunny. I can't wait :)

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