
By KirstyHalbert

Made From Girders.

Woke up this morning feeling considerably better - no idea if it was the over-the-counter drugs I'd taken (full of paracetamol and caffiene - what a joyous combination), the 10 and a half hours' sleep or the champagne last night, but I was definitely OK to head into work to make up for my half-day yesterday.

On my lunchbreak today I challenged myself to finding the perfect pair of jeans - and unbelievably, I did! Every time I jeans-shop, I come away jeansless, thinking that I must be a funny shape as nothing ever fits me properly. Finally, it seems like H&M have come up with a style of 'girly-fit' jeans: wide at the hip and narrow at the waist like me. I bought two pairs. There is surely no greater satisfaction?

Headed home and arrived at the same time as M, so we heated up the leftover chilli from the night before and scoffed a huge plateful each before doing another flat search for our planned move. We ended up staying up quite late, watching QI and trawling the internet, and now I have 6 properties to request viewings for tomorrow. I wonder what percentage of them are already gone, and not yet updated as 'let agreed' on the website? I'm going to guess >50% - what a pessimist.

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