Drinking from the creek

After going back to Hudson's this morning, to return the oats and pick up the corn, I made sure there was plenty of corn out for the squirrels.  I cleaned and filled all the feeders for the birds.

I then took my camera out by the creek.  MiniMe was a real poser.  She even looked good when sitting by the cinder blocks.

I was out by the creek because I was chasing this ebony jewelwing.  :-)  I've decided to call these daisy weeds!

I went back to Hudson's yet again and picked up a couple of clematis plants that I had seen there.  I came home and got one planted before the sky fell in.  I waited it out and during the next break I put the second plant out.  Then the skies opened again and it included hail this time!  

The racket of it under the tin roof was so load that when Kent called me I had to go inside in order to hear him!

Spirit in the middle of my gladiolus garden
Spirit and MiniMe in the woods

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