Spring rain

Unfortunately, it looks like a mostly rainy long Memorial Day weekend could follow the rain of today(and tomorrow). We don't have any special plans, except for a birdwatching trip on the North River Saturday afternoon with the North and South River Watershed Association. I hope we can do it with some sun.

I spent the morning with some fellow Garden Club Board folks at our President's house. We were doing some purging and organizing of our past club paperwork and photos from 1929...mostly boring paperwork. Photos from the 20s and 30s would have been exciting, but the earliest ones in the boxes and suitcase are actually from the late 60s. I'm the Club Historian and I have gone through everything when I put together a slide program for our Club's 85th. I knew then that we had to organize all the paper. The new records and photos are digitized. We managed to winnow things down and I'll get some proper storage tubs for what we saved. 

For the Record,
This day came in cool and rainy.

All hands embarrassed by 45, a true bully showing his true colors today, embarrassed and horrified at a GOP candidate attacking the press without condemnation by his Party. More breaking news tonight...Jared, who is in charge of the world via the West Wing is under FBI scrutiny. The plot thickens even more.

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