Guardian Angel

WiFi at the villa is not working. No WiFi = no blip. Really annoying as there are lots of things I need to get done, apart from blips, all of which involve WiFi. Nothing will be done to sort it out because it’s the weekend. Maybe Monday.

I went for a walk this afternoon. It was quite windy and this kept the temperature down a bit. I wandered down the road to find out which crop is being grown in a field we can just see from the villa – it turned out to be artichokes. I continued down the road to Algorfa to have a look at the Municipal Cemeterio. There was nothing especially beautiful about it as it’s really different sized spaces waiting to be filled. I find it interesting to see how different cultures deal with death and memorials. I found one memorial moving because of its starkness – just a name ‘David’. No dates, no family name, no flowers, no decorative symbol. I wonder what the story is around this person.

My blip is the angel guarding a family mausoleum – I enjoyed the shapes of this contrast against the blue sky.

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