Four Figs

... minus the stars today. I tried adding a layer with stars but it looked a bit too much. I've been playing as you can see. I needed a little light relief after trying to get my head around adding more teacher resources to our website. The last time I added anything to the site was June, so today's been a bit of a struggle to refocus and motivate myself. Just one more to add now.

Things have been happening in the garden without me today as Merv has reduced the height of the stone wall beyond the conservatory and has chopped down a shrub that had got very big. It's really good to be able to see across to the grass and the rest of the garden and I think it will look so much better when it's re-planted up during the spring.

p.s. I've only just realised that I was blipping fruit a year ago
p.p.s. I think the trio on the thumbnail makes a better composition.

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