I couldn't choose tonight!

I spent ages playing about with layers on another `fig' photo but in the end I wasn't sure it was up to yesterdays standard so it didn't get chosen tonight.

I've blipped the Brodsworth greyhounds before but not in b & w - so here they are again. I met my Mum and brother here at lunch time. It's the first time Mum has been back without my Dad and she was a little apprehensive, but all was well. It's been such a glorious blue day that we all enjoyed the gardens. And we were spotted by someone I used to work with from my `Urban Studies Centre' days - I haven't seen her or her husband for years - so it was really good to catch up with them.

A slight detour for me on the way home for a wander around Hooton Pagnall village, though I didn't take any photos which means I'll have to go back. It made me think of Ceriwden and her passion for history. The village was granted a Royal Charter in 1253 entitling it to hold a market,
"The King to the Archbishops etc.. .greeting. Know ye that we, at the instance of William de Grey, have granted and by this our charter confirmed to Geoffrey Luterel, that he and his heirs have for ever a market each week on Thursday at his manor in Hooton Painell in the County of York ... "

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