The lovely Hanworth cows

After a long day at work, I met a stampede in Hanworth and stopped abruptly. Obviously I took a few photos, and when they had slowed down, I edged my way to the left of this girl.

Voted, tactically for the first time ever. It was a struggle against my conscience but done. For the good it may do.

Out for a late walk. The weeds in the allotment are still as deep rooted as the last time we looked. I just keep hoping the weeding fairy might have visited overnight! The weekend soon, and I am definitely going down with a spade and fork with the aim of clearing/digging/weeding a small patch, so that something can be planted. With Henry's help hopefully!

Now it's 10 o'clock, and with Jon back, we are going to watch the 2nd episode of Mutiny.

Friday tomorrow. Yaay!

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