Hare Today

Nice and sunny but very windy again today. I went to Lodge Farm in the hope of capturing windy pics for 30 Days Wild. It's always extra windy there as it blows up the valley. I've wanted to capture 'waves' in a field of barley for a while. It's not easy. :(

This young hare suddenly appeared out of the barley and seemed quite disorientated. At one point it started running towards me.  How lovely to see it. I made a montage of nine images of it for 30 Days Wild.

Today's poem is The Stillborn by Nina Bogin. http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/magazine/record.asp?id=8842 (Scrolling down required.)

Nina Bogin writes, "This poem is dedicated to my stillborn son, who initiated us to the mysteries of life and death." I think it is touching the way she likens the stillborn to sea creatures. Unborn babies exist in a watery amniotic world before birth and it's sort of comforting to think of a stillborn child returning to that or never having left it. My research on this matter has saddened me and made me feel for parents of stillborn children.   

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