There Be Dragons

30 Days Wild alerted me to Open Farm Sunday. I had plans to visit Langford Museum of Power for the Japanese Auto Matsui. I Googled and found an open farm near Chelmsford that was on my way.

I explored the Chatham Green Project farm, which is an outdoor living classroom, on my own. They have a decked area over a pond. When I found it a male broad-bodied chaser dragonfly was guarding a female who was laying. Unfortunately I didn't get pics of her but I made friends with him. Dragonflies have a habit of returning to the same perch. I love the pruinescence on his abdomen. 

By the time I got to the Auto Matsui many of the cars had left. My favourites both won prizes.

Today's poem is To my Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet.

AB was a Puritan, married at 16 after recovering from a near-fatal attack of smallpox. She and her husband sailed to America and raised eight children. Her view of marriage was as practical as it was romantic.   

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