Golden honeysuckle

After staying awake until 3am, listening to the drama of the election unfold on Radio 4, I felt somewhat weary today.   For the first time for several years I felt excited by a change in the mood of the electorate, who had clearly seen through Theresa May's campaign and had voted for a kinder and more compassionate country and a softer Brexit. I was particularly thrilled that our own Conservative MP (a homophobic arsehole who purportedly fiddled his expenses) was unseated by a vibrant young woman who gained a narrow majority for Labour. 

Sadly the Conservatives are still in power, though much weakened and in a minority government can only rule if they make some sort of electoral pact with the DUP, an ultra-conservative party with links to terrorism (oh, the irony) who are against LGBT rights, and whose MPs include climate change deniers and creationists. Oh joy!

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