Young Arvin at the Piano

I found a cache of negatives that belonged to Arvin today. Most were photos he took. I think Arvin was somewhere around 19 when this was taken. (I was 5 years old when he was 19.) He studied piano at the Manhattan School of Music and I think this is the same piano that sits in our "piano room" in our house. Unless he used a timer, somebody else took this one. Perhaps it was Evelyn, his girlfriend at the time this was taken. Later she became his wife and mother to Lynda and Helena.

I spent an hour or so scanning lots of photos including this one. Some will be part of a slide show at Arvin's celebration of life. Many are portraits he did of Evelyn. I put a bunch of those out on Dropbox for Helena and Lynda to share with their mother's family. I had a good time doing this.

This morning I went to see Brian Flowers to finalize plans for the celebration. It will take place at the Moles Bayview Cemetary chapel in Bellingham on Sunday, June 25th, from 4 to 7:30 or so. I would love anybody that is close to come. Bring some kind of food that is ready to eat. We'll start with a short gathering in the chapel. There will be music by friends Chris and Jyl and my son Jason, a short talk by good friend Sheva who is studying to be a rabbi, memories and funny stories by family members, and an opportunity to share your memories of Arvin.

Afterwards we'll head to the entertainment room for food, drink, laughter, talk, and some more music. There will be an ongoing slide show with photos of Arvin from when he was quite young to more recent ones taken by me and other family members. I hope to see some of you there. We are going to have a PARTY!

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